First we stopped by my grandparent's house where Charlotte got to see my dad (papaw) dressed up as a zombie. She thought it was great.
Then we went to our friend's house, The Ansells, and joined their family for Trick-or-Treating.
Charlotte did great following the other kids and saying "thank you" after receiving her treats.
Then things started to wind down, get dark, and Charlotte started to get very cranky. Thus ending our adventure in trick-or-treating. She did last an hour so that's something!
Click there for >> More Halloween Photos!!
In other news: Charlotte's crib has now been upgraded to a toddler bed! No more bars keeping her in. So far, so good. No sneaking out or unwanted house roaming upon waking up from naps/bedtime. We plan on heading down to TN for Thanksgiving this year and staying up in Indiana for Christmas. In the spring we're going to be visiting Australia! Excited about seeing family. Not so excited about the loooong plane trip with a toddler. ;) Now to get those passport photos taken...